The signature of Johan Paulus Vogt

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Signature of Johan Paulus Vogt

Years ago, when I was in high school and just starting out on this family history journey I'm addicted to, a fellow Vaught researcher named Nancy Dodge, who lived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, saw my online pleas for information at the Rootsweb message boards. 

She replied to me that she had been to the courthouse where the importations of passenger ships in the 1700s had been kept and had made photocopies of the records pertaining to our ancestors, the Vogts, from Frankfurt.  Their ship was called the Charming Betty, captained by a man named John Ball.  The document goes on further to state that they departed from London.

On board the ship were 15 other men, heads of their respective families.  Of those 15 "Palatines" (called so because they originated from the Palatinate, a region in south western Germany) only 7 could sign their own names to the official document.  The rest made marks.  Johan Paulus Vogt was one who signed his name, indicating a level of literacy at least enough to recognize and spell his own name.

Here is the photocopy that Nancy sent me,  page 125 from a book called Pennsylvania German Pioneers that listed the passengers on the Charming Betty and replicated their signatures.

And below is our ancestors signature extracted from the others: